Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Alone until the Other Arrives ...

Aloneness ... and then the dilemma of the emptiness and the void ... and I as I grapple with this, I get the following, as I struggle to find peace in myself, as I start thinking that i'm believing in a phantom, a fantasy of my own making .... then I get this, so what do I do, pick myself up from this "trip and fall" and keep walking this lone path? My deepest heart's desire? where when I ask my heart what is missing and I think perhaps that I am not doing enough - that the final answer I fall back on, that I always fall back on is the searching, the waiting, the aching, the
space that I cannot fill myself ..... perhaps, what I need to do and learn here this time round is the art of patience, that this will come, in its time, but for now to be at peace with the waiting ......

"The Soulmate"

Talmud (Sotah 2a) teaches that "destiny" has designated each and every individual with a soulmate. The "soulmate" is actually the other half of a person. With ones soulmate one is wholesome, without it one is void and empty. With ones "soulmate" comes a "package" of a home to live in and profession/job and purpose in life.
The spiritual and physical energy of planet earth resonates to the number TWO, everything on our planet comes in pairs. The Earth itself is paired with the Moon, the identity of the Earth needs the Moon to exist both physically and spiritually, in the renewal of energies monthly and daily tidal flows, as the magnetic pull of the Moons energy causes high and low tides - the Earth needs CHANGE to exist.
The emphasis and importance of finding ones true soulmate is the key to success in life. The two halves that make the whole, once together one can lead a fulfilling and purposeful life of "destiny". Having the "wrong half" means one does not have ones soulmate hence one does not have "the key of life" to fulfill ones true destined purpose in life.
The purpose of the "soulmate" is to make a person feel wholesome with LOVE and enable one to accomplish the mission and purpose of life through physical, sexual and spiritual LOVE energy. Everything constructive and good in this life is only created through LOVE. Only through the loving energy created together with ones soulmate creates the perfect energy to live, bringing meaning to everything in ones life.


... I think I can breathe a little easier now...there's nothing wrong with me, I just haven't found my other half yet ... I'll learn the art of patience, and patiently wait.....

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