Wednesday, 15 April 2009

(poem - 14th April 2009)

You see …

I’m leaving in just a day

You see….

I haven’t been in touch
With another
So closely
For a while now

I haven’t
So closely
For a while now

You see….
I want to be and see and taste and touch
These things I haven’t
So closely,
So perhaps then with you
For just a while now

You see….
Like you
I am dainty and scared
And Like you I
I have loved till I was left wilted

You see….
JUST like you
I too have this fire burning
And no-one to warm it with
To heat to a simmer
To coax in from the emotional cold
That Life breathes in icy gusts at times
Whipping them around us
Our boots kicking up shards of ice from the past
to shatter in our face
Sting us in the eye
And blind us for just another moment

You see
I just wanted to feel
What its like
(to pretend)
To be in love
For just a little while
Whilst alongside you
Before I go
And the next storm sets in.

(AIJ Blake - 14 April 2009 … again, .... inspired by M. Squ.)

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Creative Commons License
This work by Angela Iris Jean Blake is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 South Africa License.