I've had numerous arguments with this person around reason versus intuition, and every time he seems to disagree that its a stable and grounded foundation on which to base deicisons, perspectives and so on ... my argument is that its not something that one jumps to in a split second, intuion is a force, an insight that moves from deep within, in the pit of your stomach and gently makes you aware of its presence -and then ENCOURAGES you to allow it to move and expand some more - over time .... far too many I believe see this force as whimsical, if anyhting I believe it to be far more superior to reason - reason is man - intuiton is Life force, Life force is greater than us...... (but as always, humans are scared of that which they are not in control of, whihc they cannot see, and have to fully trust without knowing whether its really there or not ... I guess the same goes for Love - now thats where I freeze from petrification!) .... Anyway, here's something that came in last night after much confusion, twisting, turning, losing hope, reigniting hope, asking for signs, and still loving despite this all ... this has been my greatest love .... but where to now? I know I cannot replace this one, and I DON'T WANT to.
Whenever we need to make an important decision,it is best to trust impulse and passion,because reason usually tries to remove us from our dream,saying that the time is not yet right.Reason is afraid of defeat,but intuition enjoys life and its challenges.
(Acceptance speech delivered to the Brazilian Academy of Letters)
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